
Melissa Stratton's Booty Brazzers' Shorts


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Melissa Stratton is known as KittyBaby for a reason, she is sexy enough to make YOU purr, but her skin is soft and smooth. Melissa Stratton (mainstream...

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About This Item

Melissa Stratton is known as KittyBaby for a reason, she is sexy enough to make YOU purr, but her skin is soft and smooth. Melissa Stratton (mainstream adult star and a favorite of TMZ and the paparazzi after her relationship with celebrity, Sean Evans) wants you to own this piece and stroke your cock with it as you imagine yourself between her thighs and deep inside her pussy. 

This auction is for her red Brazzers' shorts, modeled below. These will be signed for the bidder and include her scent. 

Sku 867